In Loving Memory: Whiskey

WHISKEY was a tiny little Pomeranian with an outsized dynamo personality. Arriving in 2021 as a blind, diabetic senior, he quickly appointed himself King of the Castle and stole our hearts… especially mine. Whiskey followed me everywhere and had the most endearing habit of jumping into my arms and snuggling his head under my chin. He had lots of funny habits, such as eating toilet paper; running up stairs and immediately demanding to be carried back down; tapping my hand for a bite of whatever happened to be on my plate and destroying furniture. Never entirely housebroken, I had to replace carpets, curtains and a sofa. But never mind that. Whiskey was my beloved companion, always smiling and dancing. He brought so much joy.

The Rainbow Bridge arrived unexpectedly. The day started out as usual. Whiskey ate a good breakfast, took his insulin, and ran around the house shouting for attention. Then without warning, he had a seizure. And another. I rushed him to the emergency hospital. The veterinarian discovered that his kidneys were in acute failure and reported that the anti-seizure medication was having no effect on his constant tremors. He could not be saved. My heart shattered and I drove home in a state of numb shock. In the grief-filled days that followed, I reflected on our many wonderful days together and the miracle of how a small, blind, sick and frail senior had exuded such joie de vivre, lighting up my world with his exuberance, confidence and love for life… and for me.

Thank you Whiskey for being such a loving, devoted friend.
You brought so much joy with your smiles and affection.
May you dance across the stars. ❤️🌈💫