
April is a senior Palomino Quarter horse who arrived at the sanctuary with her best friend Sammir in November 2018. We were contacted by another sanctuary that was working to rehome 70 horses from a cruelty case in New Jersey. 60 of the horses had been re-homed but no one wanted this senior bonded pair in need of medical attention. We agreed to accept them as our first horses at the sanctuary.

Upon arrival, we were shocked at how skinny she was and discovered that she can’t eat hay due to missing most of her teeth. We started her on four mashes a day and got her weight up by 250 lbs. She is now thriving and demonstrates expertise in wrecking havoc in her stall by breaking water buckets and knocking down salt holders. She and Sammir are still best buds, but she clearly made a new friend when Mister Ed arrived.